<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="65001"%> About Hattenhauer.Net

About Hattenhauer.Net

Hattenhauer.Net provides websites and links to websites that are related to members of the Hattenhauer family. Sites contain family personal interest information, stories, novels, poetry, original artwork, and other information.

About Publishing Partnerships

Content suggestions are accepted by all of the Hattenhauer.Net staff. Frequent content providers can be given a 'Partnership' access account that provides them with their own space within the Hattenhauer.Net; pages that they compose will be under their editorial authority, with few restrictions. Registration as a partner grants access to a sub-website and ability to add and manage events to a calendar, news, and links page. New Subpage designs that meet policy are managed entirely by that partner

About the Hattenhauer people

The people who make this website are Hattenhauer Family members that have an interest in producing a place that we all can be proud of.  This could and should include you!  We have a commercial site in an effort to provide the family with a stable resource.  It can only be enriched by the majority our family participants.  It is our hope to have every Hattenhauer Family member setup and edit their own website - as many have already.  If you have a site let us put your link here.  If you want a site and do not have one - the resources you need are available for you here - FREE!  You only need make decisions on how you want to present your site - and use a simple set of tools to author your site on line. 


About Hattenhauer family businesses

  • As a family we have a diverse group of business and professional backgrounds. Many of our Family own their own businesses, are in professional practice, and work in technical professions. So place your links to your commercial business here by contacting us with the easy forms at the 'We What You' link.

Hattenhauer.Net Content Policy

  • This site is a Hattenhauer family site.  We all have family, businesses, recreational, and personal interests. These are expected to be reflected in the pages that we create.  We provide only minimum censorship.  This site does not advocate violent, or illegal activity of any kind.  Links to sites containing such offensive material will be omitted.  This site is held blameless for the content or the omitted content.  Management is the sole arbiter of offensive material, and is blameless for such decisions.  Some links are to overseas hosted sites and are not governed by U.S. laws.  This site is hosted per a lease agreement with Network Solutions, per that agreement all content is subject to that agreement.

  • Pornographic content is NOT AVAILABLE in ANY area of Hattenhauer.Net.  violations of this and other issues should be sent to the Publishing Team. for removal and legal action.

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